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‘Believe One More Day’: Trying times lead Richmond County native to write inspirational books

ROCKINGHAM — In an uncertain world full of questions, one man’s faith carried him through numerous life trials. 

Author and inspirational speaker Randy Robinson is a Richmond county native who was drawn to know God at a very young age through a strong faith thanks to family, friends, and spiritual mentors. 

Robinson believes we all have a special purpose here on earth.

“We are all unique,” he said. “I am not on this earth by accident, nor are you. God does not create accidents. If we surrender ourselves to His guidance and purpose, God can do more through us than we ever thought possible. Although life can be joyous, at some point throughout our journey we will face obstacles.” 

In facing many obstacles himself, Robinson continued to say “I refused to give up on my dreams and calling; I have a burning passion for helping people endure difficult circumstances, and I strive very hard with God’s help to illuminate strength in others.”

It’s how we handle the trying times in our lives that either make us stronger or break us, as he knows all too well. 

When a chain of life events took a turn for the worse at one point in Robinson’s life, it caused him to spiral into debilitating panic attacks. 

Because of his passion for helping people in troubled times, Robinson was led to move from North Carolina to Georgia to attend Emmanuel College and become a counselor. 

It wasn’t an easy task, as he also had a family to care for. 

Not long after Robinson began attending Emmanuel College, his young son Josh got very sick and had to be hospitalized and his wife Cindy was in a wreck and totaled their only car — all within a three-week period.

That’s when Robinson began having severe panic attacks. 

“Because of the panic attacks, I was unable to work or attend college; it was taking a toll on our finances,” he said. “One day, when I had taken all I could take, I called my mom and talked to her about all that was going on. She was silent as she listened.” 

Robinson continued to say that after he had poured out his heart in despair, his mom spoke the only words she could hear God say: “Believe one more day.”


Robinson took the words God had spoken to his mother and placed them on a dry-erase board in his home and meditated on them each day. Within a month, things began to take a turn for the better. He finished the semester on the Dean’s list.

“God just turned the whole situation around,” he said. “Your current situation is not your final destination.” 

After graduating college, Robinson and his family moved back to N.C. where he began his counseling career. Several years later and with a desire to leave a legacy behind for his family, he began writing his first book, “Believe One More Day,” which was published in 2015.  In less than six months, the book was available for purchase in 17 countries. 

Robinson didn’t stop there, as he continued with a second book, “Pursue: Chasing Your Purpose.” Within two weeks of its’ release, Wal-Mart had it stocked which Robinson said “is a miracle in itself.” 

He is currently working on his third book — which started in a restaurant on a napkin. 

“I encourage anyone not to give up,” he said, “better days lie ahead.” 

Robinson holds Master’s degrees in General Psychology and Addiction Counseling and is a licensed clinical addiction specialist with the North Carolina Professional Practice Board. He is the practice manager at Sandhills Best Care in Rockingham. To contact Robinson, you can email him at Randy@believeonemoreday.com. You can also visit his website at www.believeonemoreday.com.