With all the hatred and disgust infecting the world at this time, I find it appropriate to consider the topic of love.
We have all heard that love is the universal language. In saying that, each person’s definition of love may vary. What does a person base his or her love upon? Love is not just an emotion, even though most of the time we feel it. Instead, it is a choice. Do we choose to love the unlovable as we are commanded to do, or are we following the world’s path of hate and destruction?
Free will was given to all of us, in which some have allowed hatred to enter. In doing this, we invite all sorts of evil to begin working in our lives. In turn, this infects our families, friends, and communities, as we see it happening today.
I believe the true meaning of love is held in the Bible, which is the word of God. In the book 1 John, chapter 4, verse 16, it tells us, “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” Verse 20 reminds us that, “Anyone who says they love God, but hates his brother is a liar.” In other words, anyone who says he or she has God in their hearts, but doesn’t love others, cannot possibly have a relationship with God.
The books of Acts 10:34 and Romans 2:11 tell us, “God is no respecter of persons, so how can we justify condemning others of different races?” Genesis 1:27 states that, “God also made us ALL in his image.” This is something to think about. We are all made in His image, but yet some still condemn and hate others. This cannot be.
Let us all begin to value others better than we value ourselves, and not get caught in the trap of hatred and pride. Will you choose to be the one to stop along the wayside of life and help someone in need, no matter what race they may be?
As we begin to do this and drop the blame game, our world can begin a long-awaited healing process. “Love is patient, love is kind, it is not self-seeking, it is not rude, it is not easily provoked,” as 1 Corinthians 13 explains. It would help us to read this daily. It breaks my heart to think my grandchildren and the generations to come may have to live in such a world full of hate.
The day I started writing this article, I received a text from my oldest daughter, Jessica, who had been here to visit and was traveling back to Virginia with her family. The cover photo is the one she sent me; perfect timing for this article that she knew nothing about me writing.
As I come to an end, the song “What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love” plays in my head. Let us all pull together, one by one, and put this love into action. We may not all look the same on the outside, but we all bleed red!