Home Lifestyle Kids’ play at Hamlet library revolves around ‘The Best Part of Christmas’

Kids’ play at Hamlet library revolves around ‘The Best Part of Christmas’

A group of kids at the Hamlet Public Library on Wednesday put on a play about discovering the best things about Christmas.
Pam Simmons - Richmond Observer

HAMLET — As part of the Christmas-season celebration and the weekly reading program at the Hamlet Public Library, librarian Belinda Norton and more than a dozen youngsters — and a few parents — presented a play Wednesday morning to a appreciative crowd of parents, grandparents, and other residents.

After one last quick rehearsal, Belinda welcomed the group, explaining that this experience was to help teach the children about some of the many things that are part of putting on a play, such as making and decorating the sets. Most of the children were participating for the first time in a play. Norton added, 

“I really hope you will enjoy the play,” Norton added. “The children have been working very hard. And you will have to use your imagination.”

The setting was the Hamlet Square, complete with the Hamlet Department Store, a flower shop, a sundial and benches. There were also flowers, a large Nativity scene and a Christmas tree. 

Gwen Macedo was the narrator, and the scene opened with Santa Claus standing in the Hamlet Square. Abi Hadinger played the part of a news reporter who wanted to find out what people believed was the best part of Christmas. She interviewed Santa, who said the best part was seeing the faces of the children after receiving their gifts. Shoppers walked around the square, and some children carried their songbooks preparing to go Christmas caroling.

As the reporter continued to interview the people in the square, Abi received a variety of responses, including the smells of the Christmas trees, the Christmas lights, the songs and carols of Christmas, the feeling of peace, and hearing the Christmas story. As this scene ended, the carolers left gleefully with their song books, excited to share their Christmas songs with others.


Scene II opened with a reminder to use your imagination. It is now summertime and the hottest day of the year. The reporter had not been able to make up her mind about the best part of Christmas from the responses as she had continued to research her story throughout the year. She spoke with some ladies in front of the flower shop who shared the memories of past Christmases and decided to visit an old friend and present her the flowers they carried.

Three little girls were playing with their dolls, and one of them did not want to share her doll carrier. When the reporter asked them what they thought the best part of Christmas was, they agreed that presents were fun to give and to get, and so were Christmas cards. The little girl with the doll carrier even decided to share with her friends.

As the play drew to a close, the news reporter realized she had a notebook full of responses from the many people she had interviewed. Her conclusion was that Christmas is forever. It never stops, and it always lives in our hearts. Even on the hottest days, in the spring or fall, Christmas is here. As long as we remember to be kind and thoughtful to others, Christmas never ends. The best part of Christmas is that in the minds and hearts of mankind, Christmas goes on forever.

Following the play, refreshments were served as the attendees chatted. They were all in agreement that the play went well and the children had done a great job. Participants in the play included Hudson Hadinger, Abi Hadinger, Ian Hadinger, Gwen Macedo, Skyler Macedo, Chloee Macedo, Garrett Peacock, Abigail Robinson, Elizah Robinson, Nathan Bullard, Jim McDonald, Kristi Robinson, Olha Rechgnets, Chester and Yeva.

Santa Claus will be returning to the Hamlet Public Library on Wednesday, Dec. 12 to read a Christmas story and visit with the children. For more information about events at the Hamlet Public Library, call 910-582-3477.