Home Lifestyle Richmond Senior JROTC cadet presented Sons of the American Revolution award

Richmond Senior JROTC cadet presented Sons of the American Revolution award

Cadet Alfonso Perez, center, is awarded the Sons of the American Revolution Outsanding Cadet JROTC Award by Sandhills chapter members Charles Spelman and Bruce Fensley.

On May 18, Sandhills Chapter compatriots Charles Spelman, a retired major and Veterans Recognition and JROTC Committee chairman and Bruce Fensley, president, visited Richmond Senior High School in Rockingham to attend a “Dine In – Dine Out” JROTC Raiders Awards Ceremony was hosted by the JROTC Commander Maj. Darryl Kelly.

The recipient of the Sandhills Chapter Sons of the American Revolution “Outstanding Cadet” JROTC Award was Alfonso Perez.

Cadet Perez opened this impressive ceremony by singing “The Star-Spangled Banner,”, our national anthem. He is currently a junior at Richmond Senior High School, and the first platoon sergeant of Bravo Company, of the Raiders unit.


During this awards ceremony we witnessed a very successful JROTC program that is working to build outstanding future Americans through training, leadership, discipline, motivation and teamwork.
Congratulations to Cadet Alfonso Perez and to the leadership team of the Richmond Senior High School JROTC unit.

During this awards ceremony we witnessed a very successful JROTC Program that is working to build Outstanding Future Americans through; Training, Leadership, Discipline, Motivation, and Team work.
Congratulations to Cadet Alfonso Perez and to the Leadership Team of the Richmond Sr. High School JROTC Unit.