HAMLET — Richmond Community College will be hosting an online Information & Question Session about the 911 Operations & Communications program to inform people about this new associate degree.
This program is specifically designed for individuals who are currently employed and want to advance within the 911 telecommunication field. It is also designed for those who are interested in starting a career in 911 telelcommunications. The 911 Communications & Operations program is also entirely online.
People can sign up to attend one of the two sessions offered:
- Session 1: Aug. 1 at 3 p.m.
- Session 2: Aug. 3 at 3 p.m.
Each session will be recorded and sent to everyone who registers.
Register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=55Kxv1s2G024Vo10N4cZ_zE6dcXRfmNCqT4U5uq7omRUOUlDRUJLRDY0TDk4ODNIQTg5UlVQV1VPMS4u
This associate degree program is endorsed by the North Carolina 911 Board. It was also developed and designed in collaboration with members of the North Carolina 911 Board.
Those who have completed PSAP Manager’s Training can receive college credit for two classes within the program.
The program has been approved for financial assistance through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Students need to complete the application through the local NC Works Career Center.
For More Information
For more information about the degree program or the informational sessions, contact 911 Communications and Operations Program Coordinator Jamison Sears at 910-410-1767 or jsssears@richmondcc.edu.