Home Lifestyle Rockingham First Baptist holding revival

Rockingham First Baptist holding revival

First Baptist Church in Rockingham will be holding a revival beginning Sunday morning, April 23 and continuing through Tuesday evening, April 26.
The schedule of events is as follows:

  • Sunday morning at 11 a.m. the Rev. Toby Neal of Association Missionary will be the first speaker of the revival. At 6:30 p.m., Dr. Chris Scholfield of the N.C. Baptist Association will deliver the message.
  • Monday evening at 6:30, the Rev. Ricky Hughes, former pastor of the Cartledge Creek Baptist Church in Rockingham, will be the speaker.
  • Tuesday evening at 6:30, the Rev. Chris Hawks will present the concluding message.

During the revival and continuing throughout the remainder of the year, the Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Ministry will be taking place. Donations are welcome.