Home Lifestyle SAR dedicates grave marking for Revolutionary War soldier

SAR dedicates grave marking for Revolutionary War soldier

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PITTSBORO — On Nov. 19, 2022, Compatriots of the Sandhills SAR Chapter were joined by family descendants of the American Revolutionary War patriot Nathan Stedman III, SAR Compatriot Bob Sigmon and Gary Spencer of the NCSSAR Color Guard, Compatriots and President Richard Pena of the Raleigh SAR Chapter, the regent and Daughters of the Alfred Moore DAR Chapter of Southern Pines and Daughters of The Deep River DAR Chapter in Pittsboro, and public guests gathered at the Pittsboro United Methodist Church to dedicate the grave marking and the SAR medallion to honor the Revolutionary War service of patriot Nathan Stedman III.


Sandhills SAR Chapter President Bruce Fensley led the ceremony, with Sandhills Chapter Compatriot and family descendant of Nathan Stedman III, Victor Burns (Carthage, NC), provided a life chronology and service record of Stedman’s service to the American Revolutionary War. Sandhills Chapter Compatriot and N.C. Sen. Tom McInnis, R-Moore, offered the benediction and the invocation prayer.