I received a phone call from my oldest daughter, Jessica, a few days ago telling me about a recent situation. Her family had been here visiting in August and went to Myrtle Beach. While at the beach, they purchased two hermit crabs for my grandchildren.
The crabs had painted shells, in which Aaron’s (my three year old grandson) was painted like a soccer ball and was named Mr. Crab. She laughed as she proceeded to tell me Aaron had wanted to take Mr. Crab out and play with him.
It was nearing bed time and Jessica told Aaron to wait until the next day. Aaron didn’t want to hear this, and tried his best to get her to change her mind. Eventually he saw he wasn’t going to win that battle and put Mr. Crab back in his cage until the next day.
Very early that next morning while Jessica was still upstairs, she heard a thump coming from downstairs. Wondering what had happened, she went downstairs to check it out. Nothing really stood out to her. A little while later, Aaron woke up and came downstairs. The first thing he did was go to Mr. Crab’s cage, after all it was the next day and he could play with him.
In disbelief, he cried out, “Mama, Mr. Crab is missing!”
Jessica began to investigate the cause and realized Aaron hadn’t latched the top of the cage the night before. Mr. Crab had escaped with a blunt thud! The search began as she started with moving the refrigerator out into the middle of the floor; no crab. She then moved the stove, the living room furniture, the washer and dryer; still no crab. After two hours of searching, she decided it was over.
That’s when I got my phone call. As she told me the story, she began looking around again.
All of the sudden, I heard, “Oh my gosh, there it is!”
As Jessica picked it up, it pinched her; and the excitement began again. When the initial shock was over, I asked where she found it. She said she had a case on the dining area floor that had two portable DVD players they use in the vehicles for the children when they travel. The crab had gotten inside one of the DVD players.
We both had a good laugh as I said, “I guess he wanted to watch a movie in his new found freedom!”
Jessica placed him back into his cage, and they watched as he headed straight to his food bowl and ate like he hadn’t eaten in days.
Even hermit crabs enjoy entertainment!