RALEIGH — The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission will host an Introduction to Falconry Workshop presented by the North American Falconers Association on Sept. 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at its headquarters located at 1751 Varsity Dr. Raleigh, NC 27606.
Falconry is hunting by means of a partnership with a trained raptor. Strict state and federal requirements are in place for ownership of a raptor and using the raptor for hunting purposes. Workshop participants will learn about the history of falconry, raptor identification, anatomy and care of raptors as falconry birds, falconry bird training, hunting equipment and more. Falconers and their hawks will be on hand throughout the day during the workshop.
“Anyone wanting to practice falconry in the state of North Carolina must go through an apprenticeship and hold the necessary falconry license,” said Daron Barnes, the Wildlife Commission’s program manager of the Office of Wildlife Interaction, Regulated Activities and Permits. “The workshop will cover the regulations that falconers are bound by, and the guidelines for the application and permitting process, which are also relative to other states.”
The workshop is open to anyone 12 and older, however children 12–17 years old must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian. The registration fee is $40 and includes lunch. Registration is available online through Sept. 9.
About the North American Falconers Association
The North American Falconers Association was founded in 1961 to encourage the proper practice of the hunting art of falconry and the wise use and conservation of birds of prey. From a handful of members in its early years, NAFA has grown to a membership today of approximately 2,000 and is today the largest membership falconry organization in the world. Though founded principally to represent the interests of North American members, NAFA gladly accepts members from all countries who share in our passion of birds of prey and falconry.