ROCKINGHAM – This is the next chapter in the story of a father’s love for his daughter; but more than that, it is the story of all medically fragile children and adults whose healthcare is at risk any time Medicaid cuts are made.
Lauren Faith Brigman is in the CAP/C program, a Medicaid waiver program created to provide services for medically fragile children under 21 who are at risk of institutional care. Pastor James Brigman, father of 9-year-old Lauren, felt the Lord wanted him to help call attention to the importance of the program for ongoing healthcare by walking to Washington, D.C.
Pastor Brigman began his journey on July 7, 2017, at Harrington Square in Rockingham. He walked an average of 25 miles a day to support his daughter’s, and so many others, cause.
Brigman shared Lauren’s story with many along his trek. Lauren Faith, her mother, Lori, and others met James as he approached his destination, and were alongside as he pushed Lauren, in her wheelchair, into Washington, D.C. on the morning of July 24th. They were greeted by Susan Burton of the United Methodist Building, Reverend Dawn Hand from Foundry United Methodist Church, and other ministers. NBC interviewed the Brigmans at the United Methodist Building, across from the U.S. Capitol building.
While in Washington, the Brigmans were able to meet with Senators Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina), Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) and Maggie Hassan (D-New Hampshire). They also met with North Carolina senior Senator Richard Burr’s staff.
Lori Brigman also stated they spent a lot of time talking with Congressman Robert Pittenger, who represents the 9th District, which Richmond County is a part of.
According to Lori Brigman, Pittenger said, “he would be willing to work with them in an ongoing effort to bring about legislature that would protect Medicaid from dangerous cuts.”
Several days ago, Lori Brigman, along with the Kingdom Mission Society’s Executive Director, Alexei Laushkin, participated in a conference call with Congressman Pittenger’s staff about the next steps in getting prepared for the short-term and long-term legislation pieces dealing with this cause.
“The conversation was very promising and I believe we will work well together for the future of the medically fragile,” Lori Brigman said.
The Brigmans plan to attend Congressman Pittenger’s August 30, 2017, town hall meeting.
The Brigmans will be amplifying Lauren’s story through fliers, social media, news stations, home health agencies, churches, and more. They believe all states need to recognize the needs of their most vulnerable; that God values their lives and wants us to as well.
Contact with the Brigmans can be made via:
Facebook Group: A Voice for Lauren Faith Brigman and All Medically Fragile Children/ Adults.
Twitter: Lori Ann Brigman @voiceforlauren
Mail: PO Box 2739 Rockingham NC 28379 or at the Brigman’s business, J&L Distributors Party Store & More.