The following is a list of all the Revolutionary War patriot veterans that are represented by the compatriots of the Sandhills Sons of the American Revolution Chapter:
William Alston (P- 103084)
LT. William Andrews Jr. (P-103956)
Arthur Arrington (P-104836)
Sgt. Ephraim Bates (P-110708)
William Battle Jr. (P-110905)
William Battle Sr. (P-110904)
Pvt. Samuel Bell (P-334610)
Pvt. Seth Berray (P-113822)
Pvt. John Brayten (P-120305)
Pvt .John Bunten (P-124848)
Pvt. Thomas Camp (P-127724)
Rowland Chiles (P-339232)
Lt. Abraham Cole (P-136070)
James Council (P-139493)
Cpt. James Currin/Corwin (P-142432)
John Curtis (P-333959)
Richard Crosby(P-141506)
John Douglas (P-149682)
Wood Furman (P-163292)
John Henry Gebhart (P-165066)
Mrs. Rebecca Gibbons (P-165564)
Nelson Gibson (P-113767)
William Gilliam (P-167014)
Isam Harris (P- 175821)
James Harris (P-175847)
Pvt. Daniel Hill (P-181324)
Pvt. Nehemiah Hopkins (P-184742)
Pvt. Daniell Horton (P-185076)
Lt. Daniel Hurlbutt Jr.(P-188843)
Pvt. Jacob Huzzard III (P-189262)
Lewis Jernigan (P-224645)
John Judy (P-227154)
Martin Judy Sr. (P-307526)
Sgt. Joseph Laflin (P-232258)
Pvt. Walter Leake (P-234317)
CPL. Stephen Mahoney (P-337810)
Samuel McMurray (P-331173)
Pvt. John Miller (P-249391)
Zedekiah Morgan (P- 252343)
James Hawkridge Mozley (P-253215)
Thomas Osgood (P-263766))
Tunis Anthony Peters(P-269084)
Capt. Peter Pitts (P-271030)
James Price P-273660)
Pvt Reuben Roberts (P-280075)
Capt. Jacob Rumph II (P-282874)
Stephen Smith (P-293138)
Pvt. Jacob Sturm (P-300101)
Nathan Alexander Stedman III (P-296610)
Pvt. Alligood Suggs (P-300125)
Pvt. John Taylor (P-302310)
Jacob Utterback (P-308992)
Pvt. Willis Ward (P-341460)
Issac Wilkes (P-320147)
Abner Winslow (P-322629)
Lt Ezekiel Young (P-326146)