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Application period for Phase II of the Swine and Dairy COVID Economic Assistance Program opens Feb. 23

RALEIGH — The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will open the application period for Phase II of the state’s Swine and Dairy Assistance COVID program beginning Feb. 23.

The N.C. General Assembly approved $30 million in federal COVID funds to assist eligible swine and dairy producers for losses incurred from termination of contracts or ceased milk production due to the pandemic. Phase II of the program focuses on infrastructure modifications and/or cost-share assistance for barns, hog houses, lagoons and waste structures.Funding for infrastructure and rebuild modifications are limited to swine operations only per legislation. (S.L. 2021-180) 

“Swine and dairy industries face numerous challenges as a result of the pandemic and this program will help prepare North Carolina farmers for potential food supply chain issues and other disruptions,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “Currently we are waiting for the N.C. Pandemic Recovery Office to submit a report to the U.S. Treasury for this program. Once this report is submitted, and upon approval of applications, funding will become available.”


The application, eligibility requirements, and other program information can be found on the NCDA&CS website at www.ncagr.gov. The deadline to apply is June 30, 2023, but funds are limited so farmers are encouraged to apply early.

For questions about the program in general, please contact the COVID Assistance helpline at 866-747-9823. Applicants may also reach out to their local cooperative extension, Farm Service Agency or N.C. Farm Bureau offices for application support. Applicants seeking cost-share funds to close waste structures or to convert the structures to agricultural ponds may seek assistance from their local Soil & Water Conservation District Office.