Home Local News Community Home Care & Hospice Hosts Awareness Day

Community Home Care & Hospice Hosts Awareness Day

ROCKINGHAM – Community Home Care and Hospice, which is a part of North Carolina’s largest hospice provider, is hitting the streets to educate and inform local families about the benefits of hospice and in-home care. And what better way than to offer a free lunch?

Located on Highway 74 in Rockingham, Community Home Care and Hospice offers compassionate care, with clinical experience, to Richmond County families who are in need of an enrichment in the quality of life when dealing with challenging times. It is their goal to provide supportive, loving care to patients, while ensuring families get the comfort they deserve.
In hosting its Community Day luncheon earlier this month at their primary location, Hospice Care Consultant Tonya Butts and her team of employees served over 120 hotdog lunches in the blazing heat to Richmond County families. Those in attendance, while enjoying their meal, were given information and advice about proper hospice care and in-home services. The object of hosting the event was to educate possible future patients and families about the types of services that are available, while ensuring them that the best practices will be employed.
The event served also as an opportunity for the company to give back to the community and offer information, education and resources, and served as a platform that allowed employees to connect with and assist families directly.
“Hospice is one of the most under-utilized benefits of Medicare,” Director of Operations Raven Currie said. “We feel that it’s because not enough people are educated about the services we can provide. Our goal is to be able to correct that by reaching out to our community as a resource for help and education.”
Butts, who helps oversee the services and care of patients, wants people to understand that Community Home Care and Hospice makes it their mission to improve the quality of life of every person under their direct care. Often times, patients who receive hospice care are struggling immensely, and Butts is aware of this.
“Hospice doesn’t speed up or slow down (a patient’s) process,” Butts said. “We just help make the best of the situation. A loved one only passes once. We don’t get a second chance at helping make this experience the best we possibly can, so we try to do it right the first time.”
Along with its dedicated staff, Community Home Care and Hospice is heavily reliant on the services and help of community volunteers. Lisa Luckey is tasked with reaching out to the community in search of people to volunteer time and donations to help aid patients. This necessity goes a long way in making sure patients are properly take care of and made comfortable.
If you are interested in volunteering or assisting Community Home Care and Hospice during future events, please contact Lisa Luckey at the Rockingham office at (910) 895-2871.