ROCKINGHAM – The Richmond County Board of Commissioners Meeting was highlighted by a retirement announcement and an address from Commissioner Ussery regarding his concerns on county water conditions in the Meadowwood and Wiregrass Road area.
In his regular monthly report, County Manager Rick Sago announced his retirement effective August 31, 2017.
Board Chairman Kenneth Robinette lauded Sago’s efforts over the last twenty years, saying, “You came in as public works director, and when I look back over twenty years I see a lot that has been accomplished.” He continued, “The last ten to twenty years have been stellar for our county, and a lot of that is due to you and your staff. We appreciate your dedication.”
Commissioner Thad Ussery also addressed Sago’s retirement announcement. “I’ve seen a lot of change in Richmond County in the last twenty years, and a lot has been for the best. Rick (Sago) had a lot to do with that.”
Sago went on to thank the board for their support during his tenure.
Commissioner Ussery then proceeded to note that he had received a number of “calls and emails” about the water in the Meadowwood and Wiregrass Road area being “muddy”. Ussery noted, “A picture I received from a citizen was of someone’s laundry, and it looked like mud was in the laundry.”
County manager Sago added that most of those issues in the county have been resolved, and that if anyone is still having problems to please report it along with an address so it can be reviewed. Ussery made clear the commissioners want nothing less than the issue to be resolved if, in fact, it still persists anywhere in the county.
Among other items, a request for consideration of approval to award the generator bid for the new emergency services building was discussed and approved as presented. Donna Wright, Director of Emergency Services, made the presentation and the Board unanimously approved it. Prior to the vote, Board Chairman Robinette requested confirmation that a grant covered the cost of this expenditure and that no taxpayer dollars would be used for this project, and Wright confirmed that was the case.
The Board of Commissioners went into closed session at 5:56pm, and the public meeting was adjourned.
The Richmond County Board of Commissioners meet for their regular meetings on the first Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise noted). For more information, visit