HAMLET — Several contributing factors will give city residents a little extra time to get their water bills paid.
Citing a “glitch” that caused the city’s monthly water bills going out late, the Hamlet City Council agreed to add two days to this month’s due date.
Bills are usually due on the 20th, but since that falls on a Sunday, followed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, water customers have until Jan. 24 to make payments.
A policy for remote participation at council meetings was scratched from future discussion as council member Johnathan Buie cited this issue has been on the agenda for several months and the need for further consideration is not readily apparent.
City Manager Jonathan Blanton said there had never been a formal policy before, but City Attorney T.C. Morphis drafted one for consideration.
“The decision as to whether to allow a member to participate via phone has always been at the discretion of the City Council, but the general rule is that the City Council has allowed members to participate via phone when not available to be physically present,” Blanton said.
According to Blanton, Buie is the only councilmember to call in during a meeting in the past year, which he did in June and October.
Buie suggested that the council continue to follow the N.C. general statutes as they have been doing. Morphis agreed that continuing that policy would be acceptable.
Councilmembers approved the nomination of Maxton resident Michael Wilson to the Depot Museum board. Wilson has been volunteering at the museum and was instrumental in securing a grant.
The mid-year budget review set for Tuesday was cancelled as two council members were unable to attend. The review was rescheduled for 5:30 p.m. prior to the Feb. 12 city council meeting. One item that was on the agenda for discussion was an emergency repair at the water department that is estimated to be $8,200.
Blanton reported the renovations at South Hamlet park are coming along on schedule. The picnic shelter was put up Tuesday, the concrete pad for it having been poured several weeks ago.
City offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 21 in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Mayor Bill Bayless read a proclamation in recognition of the day. The city allocates $100 each year to go towards this event.