Home Local News Hamlet hires new museum director

Hamlet hires new museum director

Jennifer Seaman will begin work as the new director of the Hamlet Depot and Museum and downtown coordinator.
Photo by Harrison Davis

HAMLET—There has been a vacancy in the downtown Visitor’s Center since last December, but starting Monday, Jennifer Seaman will get to work promoting the city’s history on Main Street. 

City manager Jonathan Blanton said “close to 30 applications” were received and reviewed with 10 of those applicants being interviewed for the director position. Blanton indicated there were quite a few “very qualified applicants” and it was a tough choice but he feels Seaman will be a great asset to the city.

A native of Hamlet, Seaman graduated from Richmond Senior High and obtained her bachelor’s degree from Methodist University in Fayetteville. She has a background in marketing, advertising and photography and her most recent employment was with Richmond County Tourism.

The position of director was created in 2003 when the Depot was moved to its present location from across the railroad tracks and renovated. 

 Blanton stated the director has a two-fold objective. One, and possibly the most important aspect, is the promoting of the downtown area for tourism. 


Visitors come from all over the United States to see the historic 100-year-old Victorian Queen Anne-style depot, the Tornado building with its exhibits and the Visitor’s Center. Area schools tour the buildings as well. 

Keeping these visitors coming to Hamlet can have a positive impact on the local economy and provide a hands-on learning experience.

The second objective is being the downtown coordinator, someone who will network with and get to know all the businesses in downtown Hamlet. Being the liaison between the city and the businesses to plan events, such as the Christmas parade and Old Fashioned Christmas, helps keep everyone on the same page.

Seaman can be reached at the Visitor’s Center by calling 910-582-0603. Hours of operation are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday.