“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” ~Ephesians 6:10
The above scripture is on the website of Heaven’s Saints. It also states, “Heaven’s Saints is a motorcycle ministry that provides Christian motorcyclists a brotherhood of fellow bikers to fellowship with and minister alongside.” This international ministry has chapters in the United States, Canada, London, and Australia. Four members of the Pee Dee chapter recently volunteered their services at a local church’s Vacation Bible School. Invited to help serve and to fellowship, the chapter members also gave pocket crosses to the children. Pee Dee Chapter President Dale Kelly, Vice President Michael Mingus, Secretary Kathy Kelly, and Treasurer Candy Mingus were happy to share the group’s purpose. The Pee Dee chapter of Heaven’s Saints is chartered in Wadesboro and its members hope to work alongside ministries in Richmond and Anson Counties. Before actually obtaining their charter in June 2017, the group met many motorcyclists from Richmond County.
As President Dale Kelly stated, “We are a bunch of people that love God.” Heaven’s Saints has a bible ministry that “gives about $10,000 worth of bibles every year.” They also help with the pocket cross ministry at nearby Sycamore Lodge. The group initiated the ‘Take Three’ ministry. As Kelly explains, “You take three crosses, keeping one with you to remind you who you need to pray for and give away the other two.” The ministry supports a widow’s fund, a charity run and many other activities, the goal being to serve others. They also work alongside other charitable organizations like the Shriners and the Red Cross. Chapters are involved in prison ministry, youth outreach, homeless shelters, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
The ministry’s pamphlet points out that Heaven’s Saints was formed by Barry Mayson, former member of Hell’s Angels, after accepting God and turning his life around. It also states that, “Motorcycle club members know about being loyal to the patch that they wear (the colors); when they accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, that loyalty shifts to the Lord”. For that reason, the patch bears the armor of God. The Heaven’s Saints wear a Christian flag patch with the smaller member patch in the lower right-hand corner.
For those in Richmond County who may interested in meeting the group’s members or in joining the Pee Dee chapter, they can contact Kelly or Mingus. The ministry meets the third Friday night of each month at Papa Joe’s Pizzeria in Wadesboro. Additionally, they sponsor a cruise-in and Bike Night at Papa Joe’s on the second Thursday night of each month. It gives them a chance to fellowship and look at old cars and motorcycles. Kelly says, “As people walk around and look, it gives you an opportunity to share Jesus.” As Vice President of the chapter, Michael Mingus shares, “The only guideline we have is the Bible. That’s all we need.”
Kathy Kelly describes a typical meeting: “Fellowship is first; a speaker shares whatever God has laid on his/her heart, then they talk about new business, things they would like to do. Cards are then passed around and people write down prayer requests.” She says the chapter will go wherever they’re needed.
Owning a motorcycle is not a requirement to be a part of this ministry, nor is being male. Secretary Kathy Kelly and Treasurer Candy Mingus point out that the women’s group accomplishes valuable work within the ministry as well.
If you would like to know more about Heaven’s Saints, visit: www.heavenssaints.com, or email: dale@heavenssaintsmm.com or mingus@heavenssaintsmm.com.