Home Local News Area Beta Clubs Bring Home National Recognition

Area Beta Clubs Bring Home National Recognition

ROCKINGHAM —Walt Disney World is known to many as the most magical place on Earth, and for the members of the Rockingham and Hamlet Middle School Beta Club, the magic was all around. With a bus full, students and advisors traveled earlier this week to Orlando, Florida to compete against 30 teams from across the nation.

The National Beta Club exists to encourage character, service, academic achievement, and leadership in elementary and secondary school students. Thousands of people were in attendance to show their support and encouragement as Hamlet Middle School shined with creativity by bringing home a first place finish in tee shirt design. Students of Rockingham Middle, Carter Richardson and Will Thompson both brought home a third place finish for their work in visual arts, as well as speech. Lauren Lutz was prepared to rise to the challenge as the Director of Songfest, a competition in which the club is required to rewrite a song that must be under three minutes, while incorporating the Beta Theme.

This year’s theme was Beta Above and Beyond. Students were judged on the quality of voice, preparedness, stage presence, and the use of theme. Students began their journey in early January for the North Carolina Junior Beta Club Convention. Although they placed first on a statewide level, they continued to work hard and improve, because they knew just how strong the competition was.


Lutz said “what makes it the best to me is that our kids are more than proficient at what they do. They are really hard workers, they are kind to each other, and they get along well. They are also trust worthy and make us proud!”

With a team of advisors watching intently, 43 Rockingham Middle School Beta Club members joined on stage to compete in Songfest, while singing to the well known theme of Star Wars. The betas performed perfectly formulated vocals with originality, which earned them a first place finish. This is the second consecutive year Rockingham Middle has placed at nationals in Songfest. Early Thursday morning, students returned in style with a police escort and trophies in hand.

Richmond Senior High School is currently in Orlando Florida, where they will compete in the National Senior Convention.