Home Local News NCDA&CS receives $7.6 million to support CFSA FarmsSHARE food assistance program

NCDA&CS receives $7.6 million to support CFSA FarmsSHARE food assistance program

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RALEIGH — The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has secured $7.6 million in USDA-AMS funding to support the continuation and expansion of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s FarmsSHARE program that provides food assistance to those in need by purchasing fresh, local food from small farmers, socially disadvantaged farmers and small businesses.

FarmsSHARE efforts started in 2020 as a response to COVID-19. It increased access to fresh, healthy, locally-grown food in underserved communities across our state while investing in small North Carolina businesses to cultivate a stable, thriving local food system.

Through a cooperative agreement with USDA-AMS, the USDA Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program (LFPA) will enable NCDA&CS to provide funding to CFSA to expand the FarmsSHARE program and work with 15 food hub partners and at least 200 community-based organizations to procure and distribute 133,000 boxes of local food. The farms and food hubs also receive assistance to enter new markets for local food.


“Creating more opportunities for North Carolinians to source local products from North Carolina farmers is beneficial all around, for consumers, farmers, and our local food supply long term,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “Expanding FarmsSHARE through the LFPA program is expected to strengthen and expand our efforts and allow food hubs to connect and develop relationships with socially disadvantaged farmers, small farmers, and small businesses to the benefit of local farmers and communities.”

“This LFPA partnership among state and federal government, nonprofits, land grant universities and food hubs across N.C. will supply nutritious food from small local farms to local people in need,” said CFSA Executive Director Roland McReynolds. “This collaboration to support local food is a model for the country.”

Funding for the LFPA program comes from the American Rescue Plan. Questions regarding how to participate as either a farmer or distribution site should be sent to Kana Miller, Local Food Distribution Coordinator, kana@carolinafarmstewards.org and 919-542-2402 ext. 831.