ROCKINGHAM— If you have recently noticed a few extra cars at the Hanes Bali L’eggs Outlet on Broad Avenue and wondered what was going on, wonder no longer because the upcoming Summit Church is here and ready to grow.
Pastor Alex Perakis has taken a “leap of faith” by leaving his former church to start a new contemporary and non-denominational one that will be geared towards leading and supporting community youth. Perakis says, “God gave him a vision to open this church”, and while he may be excited, he also admits to understanding how this could potentially shake up traditional church views and services. He has also noted that “growing spiritually and as a community is a key factor in helping this project succeed.”
Summit will offer Sunday morning and evening services, as well as a Wednesday night service (a service focusing mostly on youth worship). Sunday mornings will begin at 11:00 am and last until noon, while Sunday evenings will begin at 6:00pm and end around 7:30pm.
The Summit Praise Band will lead up-beat, contemporary Christian music at each service. The church will also provide a nursery for young children.
Summit Church is located on 704 E. Broad Avenue in Rockingham.