Home Local News Ninth Grade Academy’s SGA holding clothing drive for fellow Richmond County students

Ninth Grade Academy’s SGA holding clothing drive for fellow Richmond County students

HAMLET — One of the objectives of Richmond County Ninth Grade Academy’s Student Government Association is to help the local community. And the group of student leaders is coming together this spring to give a helping hand to area students.

The RCNGA SGA, a seven-member council headed by history teacher Brenna Wyatt, will hold a clothing drive for much of the remainder of the month. All of the donations will be taken in and distributed back to students across Richmond County Schools.

The drive will begin on Monday, April 8, and run through Thursday, April 18, the last day students are in school before spring break. Not only are current RCNGA students encouraged to participate, but Wyatt explained the general public is also asked to donate clothes.

“Our student government represents the core values of the Richmond County School District,” Wyatt said. “The clothing drive demonstrates their commitment to support our 2019-20 ninth graders.”

Requirements for the clothing drive are new or “gently used” clothes that meet RCS’ uniform policy. This includes black or khaki pants, black or white polo shirts, and shirts that match any of the county’s school spirit colors.


Wyatt added that the SGA will also accept black belts, as well as unopened packs of socks and undergarments. If clothes donated are gently used, it’s encouraged that any item is not ripped, stained or discolored.

To make things more competitive with the freshmen students, the SGA is holding a homeroom competition, challenging students to try and donate the most clothing. The winning homeroom will receive a pizza party, sponsored by the SGA.

All students who bring in three or more items that meet the listed requirements will receive a Richmond Raider bracelet or 20 PBIS points (behavior points used for school incentives).

Donations can be delivered to the school’s front office by non-students, located at 804 County Home Road in Hamlet. Ninth graders are asked to label their donations with their name and homeroom and take them to Wyatt’s room (604) before 8:15 a.m. or during fourth block.

For more information or questions regarding the clothing drive, contact RCNGA at 910-582-7800.