Home Local News Public invited to comment on proposed Social Services Block Grant Plan

Public invited to comment on proposed Social Services Block Grant Plan

RALEIGH — The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is seeking public comment on the proposed Social Services Block Grant Plan, which outlines how $77.1 million in federal Social Services Block Grant funds will be spent in North Carolina for the 2022-2023 state fiscal year.

The Social Services Block Grant is the major source of federal funding for several programs, including adoption, counseling, adult day care and foster care, protective services for adults, housing and residential treatment. Other uses may include child care for individuals involved in child welfare cases, community-based services for adults who are elderly and/or have a disability, mental health services, transportation and other human services programs.

The written plan will be available for review online at the following websites:

  • Online at www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/social-services/public-notices
  • Online at each county department of social services website
  • Comments on the report must be submitted in writing no later than Friday, Aug. 26, 2022, by one of the following methods:

Mail: Re: SSBG Plan Comments
Susan G. Osborne
Assistant Secretary for Human Services
2420 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2420

Email: ssbg.comments@dhhs.nc.gov

Fax: (919) 334-1018

Public Hearing: NCDHHS will hold the public hearing via online webinar and conference call on Tuesday, Aug. 16 at noon. To participate in the online webinar, please register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7923253838185292814.


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The email will also contain a conference line should attendees prefer to call into the public hearing.