Home Local News Richmond County community centers hosting candidates forum

Richmond County community centers hosting candidates forum

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ROCKINGHAM — Several communities outside the city limits are banding together to hear the plans potential local leaders have for Richmond County.

The Piney Grove/Galestown Community Center and the Ashley Chapel Community Center are joint-hosting a candidates forum Thursday, Oct. 10.

The forum will start around 6 p.m. at the Piney Grove/Galestown Community Center, 641 Midway Road, Rockingham.

All local candidates are invited to participate.

Chairman Jeff Smart and Commissioner Andy Grooms are the only two incumbents up for reelection on the Richmond County Board of Commissioners.

Other candidates for the board are: Republican Jamie Gathings; Democrats Linda K. Ross, Cassandra “DeeDee” Wall and Deborah Washington Crumpton; Libertarian Richard Robinson; and unaffiliated candidate Michael Legrand.


District Court Judges Amanda Wilson and Sophia Gatewood, as well as Register of Deeds Kim Roberts and Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor Jeff Joyner, are running unopposed.

Richmond County’s Kevin Clark is challenging state Sen. Dave Craven, R-Randoph, and state Rep. Ben Moss, R-Richmond, is defending his seat from Moore County Democrat Jimmy Self.

Dates to remember:

Oct. 11 – Voter Registration Deadline
Oct. 17 – Early Voting Begins
Oct. 29 – Absentee Request Deadline
Nov. 5 – Election Day