ROCKINGHAM — On behalf of the Richmond County Department of Health and Human Services Crisis Center, Linda Taylor accepted non-perishable food items generously donated by county employees and private residents during a month-long food drive held in March.
The food drive was sponsored by the Richmond County Health Department WIC Program and Social Worker Program in observance of National Nutrition Month and National Social Worker Month.
Donations were collected at several locations throughout the county including each of the libraries, the Partnership for Children, and the sheriff’s office.
Food items were donated to the Richmond County Department of Social Services food pantry. The pantry is completely supported by donations from the community and employees. The mission of the food pantry is to provide direct nutritional assistance to Richmond County residents in a temporary crisis or emergency situation. The pantry assists on average 40 families each month. In addition, families are given a list of local pantries for future needs.
Richmond County Health Department WIC and Social Worker staff looks forward to collaborating in the future on other campaigns that will benefit the community.