Home Local News Richmond County Schools will include bus routes to help serve food to...

Richmond County Schools will include bus routes to help serve food to more students

HAMLET — With the help of our schools’ administrators and staff, Richmond County Schools had a successful start with our 17 meal sites, serving over 2,600 breakfasts and lunches Monday and over 4,300 meals Tuesday to children at our designated meal sites. 

In an effort to provide more breakfast and lunches to our students, beginning Friday, March 20, we will start sending buses on routes to deliver food. 

Any Richmond County School child under the age of 18 may pick up a breakfast and lunch at the bus stop closest to their home. If you have a question about which bus stop your child should go to for meals, or would like to be added to the route, please contact the Richmond County Schools’ Transportation Department at 910-997-9841.


It is difficult to estimate what time the bus will be at your stop, but buses will begin their delivery routes at approximately 10 a.m. We encourage parents and students to watch for their bus as it comes through and to please be patient as we work on making this process as efficient as possible. Young children should be accompanied by an adult. 

In addition to our bus routes, we will continue to provide grab-and-go meals from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the following sites: 

Ellerbe Middle, Monroe Avenue Elementary, Ninth Grade Academy, West Rockingham Elementary, Hamlet Middle, L.J. Bell Elementary, and Cordova Middle. 


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