ROCKINGHAM — Aug. 31 is recognized as International Overdose Awareness Day, which is the world’s largest annual campaign to prevent overdose, remember those who lost their lives to the drug overdose epidemic, acknowledge the loved ones they left behind, and support those still battling the disease of addiction.
Staff at the Richmond County Social Services Department partnered with FirstHealth Sandhills Opioid Consortium in the 2nd Annual Pinwheel Project. The lawn is adorned with 111 purple pinwheels to signify the number of overdoses in Richmond County in 2021. Pinwheels are also displayed at the Richmond County old courthouse.
This is a time to renew our commitment to end overdose and related harms. Recovery is possible through counseling, support groups, intervention services, and treatment. Social Services, in partnership with Sandhills Opioid Consortium, offers a free virtual Recovery Support Group which meets on Wednesdays from 5–6 p.m., and can be accessed by clicking
There are many other community resources available to combat drug overdose and spread the message that overdose is preventable. Information can be found at our local Drug Endangered Family Taskforce website,