HAMLET — Richmond Community College will host a “Morning Mingle” at the Robinette Building to bring together community members, business owners, students and alumni to discuss various topics and events happening at the College or in the local community.
The first Morning Mingle is scheduled for Nov. 9 from 8 to 8:45 a.m. with coffee and light refreshments being served.
“This is a great opportunity for young professionals, Chamber members, local employers and other vested members of the community to connect with our faculty and staff, as well as our students,” said Dr. Dale McInnis, president of RichmondCC. “It was our vision from the start to make the Robinette Building a hub of resources, services and education for the downtown area, so we hope the community will join us in this networking opportunity.”
The College will host the Morning Mingle on a quarterly schedule. There will be a 15-minute presentation on a particular topic and then attendees will have the opportunity to mingle and network. Several topics on the agenda include cyber security, communication with the next generation, hiring post COVID and career exploration and workforce needs.
Located at the Robinette Building, the Small Business Center will provide information about upcoming seminars and guest speakers at every Morning Mingle. Anyone in attendance who is unfamiliar with the programs and services offered at the Robinette Building will be given an opportunity to tour the facility.
“Our faculty and staff look forward to being a part of the downtown Rockingham business district and supporting local business owners,” McInnis said.
Pre-registration for the Morning Mingle on Nov. 9 is recommended but not required. Please contact Business Administration Program Coordinator Kelley Beam at 910-410-1741 or knbeam@richmondcc.edu. The topic for the first Mingle will be on cyber security and how to protect your personal and professional information from cyber criminals.