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Sheriff Says No Threat Made at Richmond Senior; 12 Students Charged in Wednesday Fight

ROCKINGHAM — Rumors of a possible threat at Richmond Senior High School led to an increase in security Friday morning.

According to Briana Goins, public information officer for Richmond County Schools, the rumor of a threatening photo “was supposedly” circulating on social media Thursday night.

An investigator with the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office was assigned to look into it and determined that “there was never a threat made,” according a statement from Sheriff James Clemmons.

Chief Deputy Mark Gulledge said two deputies were requested to provide additional security at the high school.

Some parents posted on Facebook that the rumor was said to be related to a Wednesday morning melee that resulted in a dozen arrests.

Of the 12 students arrested, two female students, a 16- and 17-year-old, were each given a $500 secured bond. The remaining 10 — four 17-year-olds, three 16-year-olds and three 18-year-olds — were released to the custody of their parents, according to court documents.


Records show the two females are accused of hitting another student repeatedly with closed fists; the others were just fighting with each other.

The Richmond Observer has chosen not to reveal the students’ names.

Goins said Wednesday that no students were seriously injured and no weapons were used.

All 12 students were charged with disorderly conduct at a school and simple affray, both misdemeanors. There was no magistrate’s order with the name of the alleged victim.

The students are scheduled to appear in court Nov. 15.

All defendants facing criminal charges are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.