Home Local News Two weeks remain for farmers to sign up for Hurricane Florence agricultural...

Two weeks remain for farmers to sign up for Hurricane Florence agricultural disaster assistance

RALEIGH — Farmers affected by Hurricane Florence have until Dec. 10 to sign up for the Hurricane Florence Agricultural Disaster Program of 2018. The program will directly assist farmers who suffered losses to commodities planted but not harvested before Sept. 13 and livestock. The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will administer the program, and assistance will be dependent upon funding from the N.C. General Assembly.  

“With the holiday season upon us this is a busy time a year, but farmers need to make this a priority and get their applications in if they qualify for assistance,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “If funded by legislators, this program will provide much needed cash flow to maintain agriculture and its multiplier effect for rural economies. Without it, we could see many farmers leave the business.”


Initial estimates for crop damage and livestock losses to North Carolina’s agriculture industry are estimated at $1.1 billion and expected to grow. More than half the state’s 100 counties have received a Presidential or Secretarial-disaster declaration.

The General Assembly directed the NCDA&CS to establish a Hurricane Florence Disaster Recovery plan in Session Law 2018-136. The sign-up period will end on Dec. 10.  For more information, visit www.ncagr.gov/agriculturaldisasterprogram or call 1-866-645-9403.