Home Opinion COLUMN: ‘They write me letters, tell me I’m great’ — sometimes

COLUMN: ‘They write me letters, tell me I’m great’ — sometimes

Every few months, I like to go to the old mailbag and see what the readers are sending me. Truth be told, there usually aren’t a lot of letters and cards and most of what is in the old mailbag is junk mail.

It’s been a while since I checked it and the last time there was a letter from a reader telling me in rather certain words what he thought of me and the column. He said he was going to cancel his subscription to the paper because it was a “rotten rag” and “not good enough to wrap fish with.” Everyone has a right to his or her opinion and I like to reward honesty. I called the circulation office and renewed his subscription to the paper- for 10 years.

A Mrs. Smith wrote in to tell me she loved my column and read it every week to her loving husband. I thought this was very sweet and thought I should mention Mrs. Smith and her husband in the column. I read a couple of paragraphs down and discovered Mrs. Smith was one on those people you see on Dr. Phil that has developed a romantic attraction to an inanimate object and Mr. Smith was not a human being but a Cuisinart food processor. I’m certain he is a wonderful husband and provider of diced vegetables and julienne potatoes in under 30 seconds. I wish them a long and happy life together for at least the length of the manufacturer’s warranty.

A gentleman sent a card asking why I didn’t write a column about sex. I thought about that for a moment or two. This column is generally family friendly and besides, I am over 50 and have been married for over 20 years. I’m reasonably certain I don’t have anything to say about sex.

I have been asked numerous times to do one of those Top Ten lists like David Letterman used to do on his show. That would be a wonderful idea, but it has already been done and I cannot think of 10 funny things at one time. I’m lucky to come up with one now and again, and if I had to think of 10, it might take me a month or two. By the time I get to all 10, the beginning ones won’t be relevant anymore.

I got a letter from Billy Lamm from the Rotary Club in Wilson. There isn’t a joke here, but I thought it would be nice to put Billy’s name in the paper. He’s quite a nice guy and I enjoyed meeting him. His letter was complimentary and I appreciated it a great deal. It means a lot when folks have something nice to say about the column.


The Publisher’s Clearing House people sent me a letter in care of the paper. Apparently, the paper and myself could win 10 million dollars if we send in the little card in the envelope. I don’t know how we would divide the winnings. There are a lot of people at the paper and only one of me. I think I’ll take all the people from the paper on a trip to the islands. We can drink a lot of rum and put together a newspaper.

I mean, that’s not too far from what we are doing now.

Keep the cards and letters coming. If I have a chance, I will answer them personally. I try to answer each one, but sometimes I get sidetracked. If you have something nice to say, that’s great. If you have constructive criticism, that’s okay, too. If you want to reach out quicker, please check out my Facebook page.

Finally, I would like to give mention to The Richmond Observer and The Wilson Times. One week ago, the two organizations took home numerous North Carolina Press Association awards. The editors and staff of both papers are champions of the First Amendment and journalism itself. It is indeed an honor to be featured within the same pages as these professionals.

As always, as long as there is someone to read the words, I will keep writing the words.

Joe Weaver, a native of Baltimore, is a husband, father, pawnbroker and gun collector. From his home in New Bern, he writes on the lighter side of family life.

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