Josh Marshall, the founder and editor of Talking Points Memo, wrote a column in the New York Times this weekend offering Democrats a way to make abortion a salient issue in November. He urges all Democratic Senators and challengers to pledge not only to codify Roe into law but also pledge to end the filibuster so it can happen. While I respect Josh Marshall, I think he is exactly wrong.
Marshall wants to make a highly charged emotional issue into a process argument. Instead of exciting people, Democrats will lose them. He’s asking them to focus on the political process instead of the impact of banning abortion on the lives of average Americans. For most people, especially those less informed or motivated to vote, voting is more of a reactionary exercise than the intellectual one Marshall suggests.
A better approach would be to tap into the fear and anger that is already brewing and turn it into action. The argument shouldn’t be about what Democrats are going to do. It should be about what Republicans will do if they control Congress. If Republicans win, they will make abortion illegal across the nation. Mike Pence has already called for it.
By saying Republicans will ban abortion, Democrats put the GOP on the defensive. The vast majority of Americans believe abortion should be legal. Forcing Republicans to take a public stand gives voters a clear choice. Making the election about Democrats’ pledges to end the filibuster and “codify Roe” gives Republicans an out. Attacking Republicans is an offensive move. Marshall’s pledge is a plea for a skeptical electorate to believe politicians.
It’s an easy argument and believable. Voters may or may not believe Democrats will “codify Roe,” but they certainly would believe Republicans would vote to ban abortion and that Democrats won’t. They also believe that banning abortion is wrong, even if they don’t agree with the practice.
Democrats also need to quit using political speak and learn how to talk to Americans again. Quit using the term “codify Roe.” Say “keep abortion legal.” Nobody outside of the political or intellectual world uses the term “codify” and roe is fish eggs.
And Democrats need to stop trying to “normalize” abortion and stay focused on keeping it from being banned. There are plenty of people out there who are uneasy with the procedure who still don’t believe it should be illegal. Don’t alienate them.
Democrats have an opportunity to energize and motivate part of their base, young, single women, who might otherwise stay home during a midterm. They also have an opportunity to persuade a group of women who might be uncomfortable with much of the rest of the Democratic platform. To win both these segments of the electorate, Democrats need to inspire an emotional response, not create an intellectual exercise.
Fear and anger work. Republicans will ban abortion across the nation. Keep abortion legal. Vote Democratic. Period.
Thomas Mills is the founder and publisher of Before beginning PoliticsNC, Mills spent 20 years as a political and public affairs consultant. Republished from