North Carolina elected leaders have enacted several ineffective and misleading laws over the years, but when it comes to undermining public confidence in government and taking advantage of vulnerable people, the badly misnamed “education lottery” has to be near the bottom of any “worst of” list.
The lottery — which became law in 2005 after surviving some close and sketchy votes in the General Assembly — was sold to lawmakers and the public as harmless entertainment that would provide a magical boon to the state’s public schools. Indeed, lottery ads still promote this fiction.
But it never was such a thing.
Not only have thousands of North Carolinians of modest means thrown away huge sums on losing bets, but per-pupil education funding has steadily declined as lawmakers quickly learned how to redirect dollars that the regressive lottery tax was supposed to supplement rather than supplant.
Meanwhile, thanks to incessant and ubiquitous advertising, lottery ads — a frequently charming con that urges people to throw away their money on the microscopic chance of winning big prizes — has become the most visible means by which state government communicates with its citizenry.
No wonder faith in government has declined.
Now, sadly, a bipartisan group of state lawmakers wants to double down on this losing bet with an even more dangerous and exploitive proposal: legalized sports betting.
Under a bill introduced in the state House this week, North Carolina would plunge head-first into murky and toxic waters by transforming millions of cellphones, tablets, laptops and PCs into 24-hour-a-day casinos.
As with the lottery, this push is being driven by the multi-billion-dollar gambling industry and neatly packaged for lawmakers by a fleet of handsomely paid lobbyists as wholesome fun that will provide a windfall in tax revenues for state coffers.
This is baloney.
As a powerful series of special reports in The New York Times documented last November, the massive and ongoing national advertising and political blitz that Americans have experienced in recent years to legalize and normalize sports gambling is anything but a wholesome and beneficent win-win for states. Rather, it is “a relentless nationwide campaign to bring sports betting to tens of millions of mobile phones, in what has been the fastest expansion of legalized gambling in American history.”
As the series explained:
But the hard truth is that the come-on is — like the age-old phenomenon of gambling itself — a scam and a losing proposition for almost everyone who falls for it. Ultimately, the ongoing national gambling push is about nothing other than fattening the bottom lines of several giant and often predatory corporations.
Does this mean that gambling should somehow be made unlawful? Of course not.
Just as student prayer in schools will be around so long as there are important tests, gambling in America isn’t going anywhere. As those filling out NCAA basketball brackets this week can readily attest, it’s eminently possible for sports gambling to take place in a relatively safe, low-stakes context.
But just as there’s a big difference between private instances of meditation and state-prescribed and -initiated prayer in school, there’s a yawning gap between an office or neighborhood tournament pool (or even a handful of regulated brick-and-mortar establishments) and universal, 24/7 digital casinos at everyone’s fingertips.
Prohibition of drugs like alcohol and marijuana has always been a proven failure, but that doesn’t mean society should start dispensing those products from public vending machines either.
And so it is with gambling.
For well over a century, both American government and sports have done just fine while keeping powerful gambling interests at arm’s length.
Now is no time to change those arrangements.
Rob Schofield, director of NC Policy Watch, has three decades of experience as a lawyer, lobbyist, writer and commentator. Republished from