The last of the year, especially between the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas, is often considered a time of giving.
And there are several in Richmond County who have been doing just that.
In the first week of December, Tracy Owens hosted an event to feed the homeless at East Rockingham Free Will Baptist Church.
Owens held the event — which included free spaghetti plates in the church fellowship hall and a food truck in the parking lot — in memory of her late daughter, Adrianna Brown, who was killed in a car wreck in 2023.
The idea came from her grandson.
“Me and Ryder were watching TV one night and we saw a preacher on there feeding the homeless and Ryder said, ‘We should do that,’” Owens said. “It’s something to keep her memory alive year after year … especially something that he, in the future, could carry on.”
Owens said they were able to serve 46 in the community, thanking all of those who donated to make it possible.
She plans to hold the event again next year.
The fentanyl awareness group Darren’s Voice gave out 40 uncooked meals in East Rockingham for families to prepare themselves for Thanksgiving, as well as 75 prepared plates with care packages on the holiday, according to founder Shelia Bostic.
Darren’s Voice has also been providing naloxone throughout the community since its founding.
Darren Bostic, the group’s namesake, died from fentanyl poisoning in 2022.
“…hearing the stories of how they (have) been using the Narcan we provide in the community, this…meant so much,” Bostic said. “It allowed us to see and hear how our son’s death was not for nothing. His death (is) saving the lives of others, others that would not be here…”
Bostic told the RO on Dec. 18 that the group is adopting 15 children who have either lost parents or live in families with opioid addiction. To donate, contact Bostic through the Darren’s Voice Facebook page.
Richmond County’s aid to Western North Carolina is ongoing.
Last week, Bostick BP and Towing in Hoffman delivered $2,000 worth of toys for kids in the mountain region.
Currently, Warriors in Motion is collecting bicycles, no matter the condition, to be fixed and given to local foster children. The bikes are being collected at Rockingham Speedway nightly during the Holiday Lights Extravaganza.