PINEHURST — The resolutions might be made and over two weeks into the new year but Sandhills Community College is offering encouragement to adults in the region who want to take on some personal enrichment classes and keep their bodies and minds active.
Courses are available in the following categories for early Spring classes:
Tai Chi Basics
Tai Chi Practice
Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Level 2 Absolute Beginner Line Dance
Level 3 Beginner+ Line Dance
Level 4 Improver/Intermediate Line Dance
A Taste of India
Loaded Gnocchi Soup
Quick Breads: Savory & Sweet
Beekeeping for Beginners
Duplicate Contract Bridge
Advanced French
Advanced Card Making Technique
Beginner Card Making
Tax Planning for Retirees
Most courses are located on the Pinehurst campus with free parking and have a nominal fee to participate. Courses are taught by experts in their field who are secured by the Personal Enrichment Department at Sandhills Community College. For more information or to register, please call 910-695-3980 or visit for a complete schedule and registration details.
For entertainment at the Bradshaw Performing Arts Center (BPAC) visit:
For peace and curiosity at the Sandhills Community College Horticultural Gardens visit: