5th-grade teachers win again at Mineral Springs Ugly Sweater contest


ELLERBE — For the second consecutive year, the fifth-grade teachers at Mineral Springs Elementary stole the show at the school’s annual Ugly Christmas Sweater contest.

Although they were the last to perform, teachers Lora Kelley and Karen Arnold won first place with their Christmas dance routine inspired by ‘80s rap group Run DMC.

The first performance was from the pre-K crew, as they hobbled in on walkers dressed as old ladies and danced around to the comedy Christmas classic “Grandma Got Run by a Reindeer.”

They were followed by the third-grade teachers who donned animal masks and brought out Santa, throwing candy to the crowd.

It was during that performance that several kids stormed the judges’ table and took the candy that had been offered as a potential bribe.

Judges this year were Richmond County Board of Education member Scotty Baldwin, Double Vision owner Richard Robinson, retired teacher Marcia Lambeth, Berry Patch co-owner and farmer Lee Berry, and Richmond Observer Managing Editor William R. Toler.

christmas, dance, education, mineral-springs-elementary, students, teachers, ugly-sweater