DMV anticipates extremely high volume this summer


ROCKY MOUNT — With health safety conditions improving in North Carolina and its traditional summer busy season fast approaching, the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles is anticipating an unusually high level of activity in the coming weeks.

“Many people waited to schedule in-person services until it was safer to do so, which could lead to a summer with our highest-ever level of demand,” said Commissioner Torre Jessup. “We encourage people to save time and conduct their business online if possible.”

DMV points to several factors that could impact service levels over the coming weeks including:

  • Summer is the busiest season for DMV
  • Many people have waited until they were vaccinated to conduct their business
  • DMV vacancy rate remains high as North Carolina’s job market is so strong
  • COVID-19 safety restrictions created a backlog of thousands of teenage drivers who now need road tests to obtain their level-three license

To address the high demand, DMV has taken the following steps:

  • Increased capacity by opening new offices
  • Added Saturday hours, and expanded weekday hours at busier offices
  • Hired new examiners
  • Continued recruiting for additional examiners
  • Increased the number of services you can conduct online

DMV encourages people to take these steps to save time during these high-volume months:

  • If possible, use the DMV online services
  • If you must conduct your business in person, schedule an appointment
  • If you can, wait to conduct your business until after Labor Day 

For health safety reasons, all road-testing drivers will be required to wear a mask, as will the examiner, and all testing drivers will have their temperature checked before beginning the road test.

driving, license, nc-dmv, summer, test