HAMLET — A first-year recognition award was presented Wednesday to Chief Michael Scott Waters of the Hamlet Police Department.
The award was presented by Dale Royer from the National Child Safety Council in recognition of the police department’s participation in the NSCS/Safetypup program over the past year.
Safetypup helps children learn and remember the basics of child safety. The diversified program allows the police department to visit with youngsters and teach children how to stay safe and drug-free.
“NCSC is proud to bring to the Safetypup program to the city of Hamlet,” Royer said. “With the help of Chief Waters and his department, we may help to prevent a needless tragedy from happening to a child.”
The National Child Safety Council is a federal tax-exempt 501c3, not-for-profit organization founded in 1954.
For more than 63 years, the NCSC has helped law enforcement throughout 48 states coordinate effective child safety educational programs.
The educator-designed materials the police departments receive each year are filled with games, pictures, puzzles, riddles, rhymes and songs.
NSCS has developed a way to make the rules of safety fun and and easy to learn — it’s called Safetypup.
Safetypup has become a safety hero and positive role model for children. Safetypup, a fun-loving puppy, is a visible reminder to stay safe and drug-free. His teaching is not threatening to the children.
The materials reach youngsters at their age level and target topics that can and do affect their everyday lives.
“I feel the NCSC/Safetypup program helps make safe living fun,” Waters said. “We enjoy visiting the children each year, and never tire of seeing the enthusiasm of the children when they meet Safetypup.
“With every group of children, the reaction is different,” he continued. “Both the children and educator staff enjoy the program.
“The Safetypup program is financially supported through the generous contributions of our business, industrial, civic, fraternal and veteran leaders,” Waters explained. “Their concern and dedication to the safety and wellbeing of our young people helps our program to continue each year.
“Recognition to all those who support the program are given on the prestige pages of all work/study manuals,” he added. “We appreciate the support we have received over the past year.”
The department is currently mailing letters requesting contributions to the 2019-2020 program, which will begin this fall.
Anyone who would like to be included as a sponsor and help support this worthwhile program please feel free to send your donation.
Please make your checks payable to the National Child Safety Council and mail it to the Hamlet Police Department: P.O. Box 1229, Hamlet, NC 28345, attention: Chief Michael Scott Waters.