Lowe’s provides resource grant to SkillsUSA chapter at RichmondCC


HAMLET — Lowe’s and SkillsUSA have awarded $1,000 worth of SkillsUSA educational materials to the SkillsUSA chapter at Richmond Community College in Hamlet.

SkillsUSA and Lowe’s have teamed up on this grant program to support emerging SkillsUSA programs in career and technical education classrooms across the nation. The $100,000 grant from Lowe’s provides 100 eligible chapters with $1,000 worth of educational materials. 

Grants are for SkillsUSA chapters started since 2018 and are designed to provide teachers with more resources to support student-led learning through the SkillsUSA Framework. Each grant school will receive 25 unique education products designed to guide teachers on SkillsUSA integration, ranging from activity guides to meeting resources, classroom posters and more. The materials are centered around student-led development of personal skills, workplace skills and technical skills grounded in academics, so every member has an opportunity for career success.

“It is thrilling to see new SkillsUSA programs receive these chapter resources,” said SkillsUSA executive director Chelle Travis. “These grants from Lowe’s remove financial barriers to excellence and ensure that new chapters start off on the right foot, armed with quality classroom resources for the betterment of our teachers and students.” 

SkillsUSA has partnered with Lowe’s for more than 14 years on a variety of education programs within career and technical education.

For a complete list of SkillsUSA chapters receiving the grant and a list of the educational resources each school will receive, go to: www.skillsusa.org/lowes-provides-resources-to-skillsusa-chapters/.


career-and-technical-education, lowes, richmond-community-college, skillsusa