CHERAW, S.C. — One regional medical chain is looking for blood donors.
McLeod Health Cheraw will be hosting a blood drive from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10 in the hospital’s board room.
“We desperately need blood products for our McLeod hospitals and patients, said Arielle Williams Miles, director of communication and public information.
The drive in cooperation with The Blood Connection.
According to TBC’s website, the organization “was forced to close donation centers and cancel blood drives” last week due to Hurricane Ian, which made landfall on the Gulf Coast of Florida as a Category 4 storm and eventually made its way through the Carolinas. TBC says it also sent 1,000 blood donations to the Sunshine State because of the storm.
Donors will receive a $10 eGift card and a $5 voucher for the hospital cafeteria and have the option to have a tree planted in Uganda.
TBC also has a blood drive Oct. 9 at East United Methodist Church and Oct. 11 at Scotland Health Care System, both in Laurinburg.
Schedule a time to donate by visiting the event page at or by scanning the QR code below.