ROCKINGHAM — Richmond County voters will have a chance to hear from the Republican candidates running for the Board of Commissioners this weekend.
State Rep. Ben Moss, R-Richmond, is hosting a meet and greet barbecue dinner at the Rockingham VFW Post 4203 from 5-7 p.m. Saturday. The event is free and open to the public, especially veterans.
Moss, who was the first Republican elected to that board in more than 100 years, was also the first from the GOP to win a state House seat for the district.
“Veterans are the backbone of our community,” Moss said in a press release, “We have many strong conservative candidates running for Richmond County Commission, and I want everyone to have the opportunity to meet their elected officials and those seeking office. I also see this as an opportunity to learn more about the issues affecting veterans in Richmond County, identifying ways we can support them.”
There are currently five Republicans on the board: Chairman Jeff Smart, Vice Chairman Justin Dawkins, Toni Maples, Andy Grooms and Dr. Rick Watkins.
Watkins switched his party affiliation ahead of the recent filing period, which started in December but was held off until last month due to legal disputes over district maps.
Dawkins, who was appointed to Moss’ seat in 2020, and Watkins are running for reelection and will face challengers Karen Everett, Thomas Davenport, Robin Roberts, Danny Pearson and Jason Gainey in the Republican primary on May 17.
Elections Director Connie Kelly said this is the first time she remembers that there has been a Republican primary in the county commissioners race.
Seven Democrats will also face off in a primary. The top four vote-getters from each party will advance to the ballot in November.
If their signatures are turned in by the date of the primary, two unaffiliated candidates will also be on the ballot in that race: Joe Ward and Bryan Stanback. Former Hamlet Councilman Johnathan Buie was petitioning for the race but dropped out.
Moss will also be in a primary race against Moore County Rep. Jamie Boles, as the two sitting state representatives were double-bunked during the redistricting process.