Red Cross blood drive scheduled in Ellerbe


ELLERBE — Richmond County residents are encouraged to roll up their sleeves to help others next week.

Ellerbe First Baptist Church will be hosting a blood drive for the American Red Cross on Sept. 23.

The American Red Cross collects blood and platelets for accident and burn victims. Blood is also collected for patients receiving heart surgery, organ transplants, and patients receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer and sickle cell disease.

There have been more than 65,000 blood drives in North Carolina for the calendar year of 2022, according to Kaitlyn Connolly with the Greater Carolinas Region of the American Red Cross.

“As the seasons change, the American Red Cross asks people to continue donating blood and platelets to prevent a shortage this fall and to stay prepared for emergencies,” Connolly said.

Donors of all blood types are currently needed, according to Connolly. Platelet donors and those with type O negative blood are especially encouraged to donate.

Type O negative is the universal blood type and can be transfused to anyone who needs blood. It is the blood doctors turn to first in an emergency situation when there is no time to match a patient's blood type, said Connolly.

All eligible donors with types O, B negative and A negative are encouraged to make a Power Red donation where available.

The blood drive will take place in the fellowship hall of Ellerbe First Baptist Church, 2116 Main St., between noon and 5:30 p.m.

“There are many open appointments, and we would appreciate any help,” said Elsie Freeman, director of the drive.

To make an appointment please visit and enter: Firstbaptistchurchellerbe or by contacting Freeman directly at 910-817- 4720.

american-red-cross, blood, blood-drive, ellerbe-first-baptist-church, health, type-o-negative