Rockingham coffee shop assisting with Adopt-A-Senior Christmas program


ROCKINGHAM — Although it’s not quite Halloween yet, one local downtown shop already has a Christmas Tree in the window.

The tree at Nana’s Coffee Rocks has a few traditional decorations, but is also covered with envelopes.

Each envelope contains a list of the winter wants and needs of a Richmond County senior citizen.

This is the third year coffee shop owner Sherry Roberts has put up a tree to help Richmond County Aging Services provide presents to older residents. The tradition started in 2021 when Roberts was manager of the Speckled Paw, which she bought and renamed earlier this year.

Pam Hill, office and Nutrition assistant for RCAS, said seniors are asking for things to keep warm, like flannel pajamas and fleece blankets, as many get cold quicker being on blood thinners.

“This is a blessing for a lot of our seniors,” Hill said Monday as Roberts and barista Jill Lawson hung the envelopes on the tree.

The tree started with 50 envelopes and two were taken by one customer in the afternoon.

Roberts said if they’re all taken, she’ll get more.

Hill started the Adopt-A-Senior program several years ago, originally focusing on Meals on Wheels recipients. However, it was expanded in 2021 to serve more clients.

Other items on the wish list include:

  • Pet food and toys for dogs and cats
  • Bottled water
  • Nutritional supplement shakes like Boost and Ensure

Barista Jill Lawson holds up a list of items requested by senior citizens.

Many of the seniors served by RCAS are surviving on $600-$800 per month, Hill said, adding that the social workers who visit the seniors are able see what the needs are in the community.

Norton Farms will also be putting up a similar tree, Hill said.

Aging Services has been able to help local seniors with air conditioner and heating units, ramps and other home repairs through a program with the Lumber River Council of Governments.

The LRCOG Operation Heat Relief program was recently recognized with an award by the National Association of Development Organizations.

Some seniors have also received assistance from Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills’ repair program, Hill added.

Aging Services is also accepting monetary donations and Hill said the agency has already been able to purchase tissue, toboggans and gloves.

According to Hill, one woman cried last year when she received a pair of gloves and was able to buy food for Christmas with a gift card.

The coffee shop has a donation box on the counter.

Aging Services will hold its annual Christmas party Dec. 20 at Cole Auditorium.

The deadline to bring items back is Dec. 10, and the items can be dropped off at Nana’s Coffee Rocks, 115 S. Lawrence St., Rockingham; or Richmond County Aging Services, 225 S. Lawrence St., Rockingham.

christmas, nanas-coffee-rocks, richmond-county-aging-services, senior-citizens, winter