Summer Bridge program eases transition to UNCP


PEMBROKE — Nearly three dozen incoming freshmen at UNC Pembroke with plans to study in STEM-related fields took advantage of a summer program to ease their transition to college and the rigors of academic life.

Thirty-four students participated in Summer Bridge, a six-week program designed for underrepresented students interested in pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Summer Bridge is coordinated by New Student Program in the University College.

Each student completed two college courses, received professional tutoring at study hall, and took part in writing labs with the English faculty. Students designed and led STEM projects for 50 local k-12 students in a summer camp with Parks & Recreation that came to campus for a STEM field day, coordinated by the Office for Community & Civic Engagement.

“One of my highlights of the summer was seeing all the hard work they put into designing their STEM projects for the kids come to life,” Hoffer said. “They made explosive foam, designed their own planet, created a battery from a lemon, and even played math twister to give back to our community in a meaningful way by getting the kids excited about STEM.”

Students were paired with a peer mentor and collaborated with the Students Obtaining Academic Resilience program, during which they reviewed topics such as time, stress management, and study skills. Students met with local employers within the STEM fields to learn more about the possibilities after college and completed the Truist Emerging Leaders Certificate.

“My peer mentor helped and guided me throughout my classes and put me on track,” said Daniel Vivar, a Summer Bridge student majoring in computer science with a cybersecurity concentration.

“Summer Bridge helped boost up my confidence… it allowed me to share my thoughts and ideas and engage with others more than I thought I would,” shared Joselyn Valencia, Summer Bridge student majoring in criminal justice.

“I am proud of these students and what they accomplished this summer,” said Dalton Hoffer, assistant director for Transition Programs. “The Summer Bridge program is designed to engage and support students before they embark on their college journey.”

Funding for the program was sponsored by Dominion Energy and the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities.

education, stem, students, summer-bridge, unc-pembroke